- New Jersey Discrimination Attorneys
- New Jersey Whistleblower Attorneys Help Wronged Employees
- New Jersey Civil Rights Attorneys
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- New Jersey Wage and Hour Attorneys
- New Jersey Equal Pay Act Attorneys
- Police Officer’s Whistleblower Lawsuit Settles for $450,000
- $600,000 Verdict in Former Vice Principal’s Civil Rights Claim for Constructive Termination
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- Civil Rights and Employment Attorneys Settle Police Officer’s Employment Dispute for $80,000, plus Terminal Leave and Full Benefits
- Employment Discrimination Attorneys Settle Discrimination Claim
- Civil Rights and Employment Attorneys Settle Civil Rights Suit on Behalf of Police Officer for $275,000
- Employment Discrimination Attorneys Settle Discrimination Claim
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- Affirmative Defense for Employers in Sexual Harassment Claims
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- New Jersey False Claims Act Attorneys: Combating Fraud and Protecting Taxpayers
- Understanding Your Rights: Unlawful Police Conduct in New Jersey
- Understanding Expert Testimony and Net Opinions in New Jersey
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- Final Orders and Interlocutory Orders in New Jersey State Court
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- Federal Trade Commission Approves New Non-Compete Clause Rule
- Governor Murphy Signs Bill Amending NJ’s Open Public Records Act
- Evolving Landscape of Independent Medical Examinations in NJ
Employment Discrimination/Wrongful Termination
The New Jersey employment discrimination and wrongful termination attorneys at Schiller, Pittenger & Galvin, P. C., stand ready to help persons who have been illegally discriminated against. In fact, there are several New Jersey laws that protect people from wrongful termination, false arrest, race and gender discrimination, constitutional violations, and workplace retaliation.
And we are familiar with them all.
Those laws include the Law Against Discrimination, the New Jersey Civil Rights Act and the Conscientious Employee Protection Act.
These laws protect people from illegal discrimination and other unlawful acts by employers, private businesses and state, county and local government employees and agencies. Victims can include municipal employees, such as teachers, school administrators, firefighters and police officers.
If you believe you have been the victim of an unlawful discriminatory or retaliatory act, contact the New Jersey employment discrimination and wrongful termination lawyers at Schiller, Pittenger & Galvin, P.C., at their Scotch Plains office at 908-490-0444 or email them here.